It!? Is it a question? Or is it just part of a complex thought? Could it have come from some other planet sent here through the depths of space so that it popped into my head? Who are these creeps? Is their life some abstract contortion of what we can understand? Is there some way for us to communicate back? Could I be dreaming? If not what is the meaning of it? Why do I only have questions? Can you answer that? Who are you? Where exactly does it hail from? Does it ever hail here? Does it ever snow here? Does it ever sleet here? Why won't you answer me? Did it actually come from some strange gothic castle high in the alps that always has lots of snow? Or is it the product of some inhumane torture project on some unsuspecting caterpillar? Could it have originated in some back alley among a group of savage killers?
Or is it all just in my head?
thoughts i stole from a deranged psychopath before his mind blew up
so my thoughts have been wandering to more intellectual material recently how can we reconcile science and humanity i can't think of a way that we can should we look on science with a human viewpoint and try to find meaning and purpose in the way things work or should we look on humanity with a scientific viewpoint and try to reduce all of our emotions and thought processes down to pure logic is there a way to do either of these things i think not when you look at the universe do you see infinite possibility or infinite decay as we discover more and more about how the universe works are we really just eating away at our humanity or are we becoming more human by giving in to our intellectual curiosity what is it to be human does it only require genetics or does it require something else that human element that cant be described scientifically i certainly dont know the answers to these questions in increasing our understanding of how the world around us works will we forget about our own humanity read stranger in a strange land and you might grasp my meaning is it possible for someone who is genetically human to not be human if they dont have that other human element and is it possible for someone that isnt genetically human to be human because they have that element here we start to drop of the deep end into some serious shit that i cant even start to get my head around is it possible that we will eventually expand our conciousness beyond our physical being will we still be human?
I sure fucking hope so man.
On the Nature of Existence
When one has reached the edge of human perception and delved into the very existence in which we live, it is possible to see it all. There is no more you, me, or it, the universe is all as one and it flows through the perceived me, as you and I transcend into the essence of being. All is finite, yet into that finiteness one can see infinitely. As we approach the thing we seek it only expands to new minuteness that we had not encountered before. As the senses interact with the surroundings the fibers and delicate filaments that make up the universe are drawn out into the open so that we might perceive the true nature of that which is. It is all as a donut, no matter how far you perceive in all directions everything raps back on itself. We can then realize that all of the universe is but one single dot that merely wraps around itself creating the illusion of vastness.
Thoughts I've had, poems I've written and anything else I think might be interesting.

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