In the evening,
when the sun goes down,
Do you cry?
In the morning,
when the sun comes up,
Do you weep?
I celebrate.
Darkness fills my every thought.
Evil seems like all I've got.
But then the light behind me glows,
The sun ascends its lofty throne.
With darkness comes the night,
But then the day brings light.
And in the morn I find myself questioning the fight.
Both Sides of the Story
Why do sparrows greet the morn
With cheerful song and not forlorn,
But then at dusk the nightingale
Sings out a song that tells a tale
Of happiness and gaiety.
In the darkness stands one man
Who's not afraid to say "I can."
"I can do this."
"I can do that."
"I'm not afraid of Tiddlebats."
A monster of such huge proportion,
No man alive could stand against him.
But as he stands defiantly,
The sun comes up and we all see
That he was right
To stand and fight.
Thoughts I've had, poems I've written and anything else I think might be interesting.

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