It!? Is it a question? Or is it just part of a complex thought? Could it have come from some other planet sent here through the depths of space so that it popped into my head? Who are these creeps? Is their life some abstract contortion of what we can understand? Is there some way for us to communicate back? Could I be dreaming? If not what is the meaning of it? Why do I only have questions? Can you answer that? Who are you? Where exactly does it hail from? Does it ever hail here? Does it ever snow here? Does it ever sleet here? Why won't you answer me? Did it actually come from some strange gothic castle high in the alps that always has lots of snow? Or is it the product of some inhumane torture project on some unsuspecting caterpillar? Could it have originated in some back alley among a group of savage killers?
Or is it all just in my head?
thoughts i stole from a deranged psychopath before his mind blew up
so my thoughts have been wandering to more intellectual material recently how can we reconcile science and humanity i can't think of a way that we can should we look on science with a human viewpoint and try to find meaning and purpose in the way things work or should we look on humanity with a scientific viewpoint and try to reduce all of our emotions and thought processes down to pure logic is there a way to do either of these things i think not when you look at the universe do you see infinite possibility or infinite decay as we discover more and more about how the universe works are we really just eating away at our humanity or are we becoming more human by giving in to our intellectual curiosity what is it to be human does it only require genetics or does it require something else that human element that cant be described scientifically i certainly dont know the answers to these questions in increasing our understanding of how the world around us works will we forget about our own humanity read stranger in a strange land and you might grasp my meaning is it possible for someone who is genetically human to not be human if they dont have that other human element and is it possible for someone that isnt genetically human to be human because they have that element here we start to drop of the deep end into some serious shit that i cant even start to get my head around is it possible that we will eventually expand our conciousness beyond our physical being will we still be human?
I sure fucking hope so man.
On the Nature of Existence
When one has reached the edge of human perception and delved into the very existence in which we live, it is possible to see it all. There is no more you, me, or it, the universe is all as one and it flows through the perceived me, as you and I transcend into the essence of being. All is finite, yet into that finiteness one can see infinitely. As we approach the thing we seek it only expands to new minuteness that we had not encountered before. As the senses interact with the surroundings the fibers and delicate filaments that make up the universe are drawn out into the open so that we might perceive the true nature of that which is. It is all as a donut, no matter how far you perceive in all directions everything raps back on itself. We can then realize that all of the universe is but one single dot that merely wraps around itself creating the illusion of vastness.
Thoughts I've had, poems I've written and anything else I think might be interesting.

What is a hat? Does it say something about you or just about how much money you have? My guess is that its part of your personality. You've got your no haters, those brave souls who walk around with unprotected noggins, or maybe some ear muffs if its brutally cold. Then there are the bandanna dudes, your dewrag gangstas, and your headband hippies, who've all got some vested interest in what they look like. But then again you have your long-haired hippies who just use the bandanna to hold their hair back. Or is it just part of the culture, like your southern boy with his baseball cap and the fish hooks on the brim. is he trying to make a statement or just blend in with the rest of 'em. Or he might even have them because he fishes frequently. Or maybe it's functional like the bald guy with his knit hat instead of hair or the balding guy who uses a cap to cover his bald spot. And what of these fancy knit caps with patterns in them that are not just for show but also functional. I don't know how to handle the headgear thats multipurpose.
Do you look good in a hat because you radiate contentment from wearing it, or is there a specific hat that will look good on you whether you like it or not. Why'm I even talking anymore, are you even listening. If you are you should listen in a British accent because I'm hearing one. Not really sure why, must've been talking to too many Brits. What right do they have to fuck up the way I think. But then again what right do I have to think my way is right. Careful there, if you start to question whether you're right you bring up a lot of unwanted questions.
Do you look good in a hat because you radiate contentment from wearing it, or is there a specific hat that will look good on you whether you like it or not. Why'm I even talking anymore, are you even listening. If you are you should listen in a British accent because I'm hearing one. Not really sure why, must've been talking to too many Brits. What right do they have to fuck up the way I think. But then again what right do I have to think my way is right. Careful there, if you start to question whether you're right you bring up a lot of unwanted questions.
I miss the faces that I know,
But long for those I have not met.
What's the difference between a pound and a dollar,
Is it 40 pence or 3000 miles.
In my travels far and wide
I have found a match for pride.
Where do you get the inspiration for your mustache?
Do you light it on fire when you smoke hash?
I think this way, you think that.
But others think of baseball bats.
Why the sad face mister clown,
Are your loved ones not around.
In time, in time I'm sure you'll learn,
But just for now I'd say beware.
Always searching, always trying
To find something I cannot have.
Are you here to face the facts
And do the things that others ask.
Cliches, cliches all around,
And not a new one to be found.
How far is too far when you have no car?
Is it just round the corner or all round the world?
But long for those I have not met.
What's the difference between a pound and a dollar,
Is it 40 pence or 3000 miles.
In my travels far and wide
I have found a match for pride.
Where do you get the inspiration for your mustache?
Do you light it on fire when you smoke hash?
I think this way, you think that.
But others think of baseball bats.
Why the sad face mister clown,
Are your loved ones not around.
In time, in time I'm sure you'll learn,
But just for now I'd say beware.
Always searching, always trying
To find something I cannot have.
Are you here to face the facts
And do the things that others ask.
Cliches, cliches all around,
And not a new one to be found.
How far is too far when you have no car?
Is it just round the corner or all round the world?
Poems from the UK
A Strange New Place
Noise, or is it music to my ears
In this place where what I know is all I own,
And what I see is strange and weird.
Do I blend into the crowd,
Or stand and shout my individuality.
What's the point of being here
If all I do is run from what I fear.
Will I turn and face the fight,
Or will I fade into the night.
Its hard to do with all these city lights
And all these people standing round.
All these wolves in human guise
Ready to pounce at any moment.
Breaking Out
Songs I know in a place I don't.
Sounds I've heard but not from here.
I've left everything behind,
But what's the point of breaking out,
If all you do is mourn your past.
Big Brother
Signs all around,
But they lead nowhere except
Out the door or to the bathroom.
Fire exit, that's a change,
But out the door all the same.
All these signs they wish me well,
And tell me what I can and cannot do.
Wishing Everyone was a Homebody
So much to do, so much to see.
Every pace I want to be is full of people crowding me.
Its not their fault, I don't know why
I wish them not to have a life.
Why do I listen
When songbirds whistle
And call to me from in the thistles
And brambles and bushes that glisten
With dew.
Spare a Dime
Is it worth my time
To spare a dime
For a man who needs it
More than I say yes
Without condition
Even if I'm broke myself.
I know you
By the way you walk,
By the way you talk,
By the words you say,
And the things you do,
Not by who you are.
Free Thought
Throw off your shackles,
Free your mind.
But if you do not see the cage,
Enjoy that life which you hold dear,
It's something I could never bear.
What's your point? Are you sure?
I've never met someone like you before.
I've traveled round and round,
All my life meeting those I've met,
And seeing things I've seen.
It's rare to find something that's not a shadow of something else.
But you're different,
You're anomalous, a break from what I know.
In terms of everything I've seen
You're not.
A Drunk Punk
Where am I? Why am I here?
What's that? Who do you think you are,
Calling me a punk? You little fuck!
I'll pound your face in!
Come 'ere!
Spry old bugger, you.
You just wait, you're dead motherfucker, you can't run
I'm lost in a sea of clear water.
I can see so far I don't know what to do.
It's not that I can't see the options,
I see too many.
What's the point of knowing a multitude of choices,
If you only see them and
Never make a choice.
Come slowly.
But my pen
Has a mouth that
Speaks if I work it
Ditty of Certainty
I don't know what to write about
But I'm sure it will come out,
If I keep on to the end,
And never give up till they send
Me to my grave.
Stop the Press
Stop the press.
I've got it now.
I won't give up,
I will not bow
To all these folks
Who tell me no,
And try to keep me down and out.
You're the reason why I'm here.
I love your hair, I love your ears,
I love the way you pour a beer.
I don't know what to say to you,
Except to say I've had a few
Too many probably,
But I'll have another
If you'll pour it for me.
I've had enough of the world's crap,
And all this shit they throw at
Me and try to tell me I
Can't do this, or I can't do that.
In the end I'll do what the fuck I please.
Down and Out
Is there a reason why you came,
Or have you nothing to your name.
No money, clothes or even fags.
Even the air about you sags
With the pitiful state in which
You are. Isn't life a bitch.
With all this light
How can I see
With eyes accustomed
To the dark.
For the longest time
I lived at night
With pupils dilated
To catch every detail.
Psychology of a Killer
Have you ever seen a fella
As was definitely a killer.
One of those with death
Upon his face, who underneath
It all is just a baby.
Why did I leave the people I love,
In search of a happiness I already had.
I'll keep on going till the end
But I doubt I'll ever find better friends.
Hopefully I'll find my calling in life
Something that gives me the joy I had with you.
I see the kiss of death on the window.
I guess some people would call it frost.
They say "It makes the view look cheery."
But I say yes the view is cheery,
Its full of life through a ring of death,
And anything looks cheery when compared to death.
Ode to Hunter S.
We can't stop here, this is bat country.
They fly all around
And swoop down on me.
But I've got a weapon to fend them off
As long as we keep on moving
And don't get swarmed.
I'll swat them as they try to get in the front seat.
My weapon is even better than that gun you point at me,
Because I WILL use this fly swatter if necessary.
Noise, or is it music to my ears
In this place where what I know is all I own,
And what I see is strange and weird.
Do I blend into the crowd,
Or stand and shout my individuality.
What's the point of being here
If all I do is run from what I fear.
Will I turn and face the fight,
Or will I fade into the night.
Its hard to do with all these city lights
And all these people standing round.
All these wolves in human guise
Ready to pounce at any moment.
Breaking Out
Songs I know in a place I don't.
Sounds I've heard but not from here.
I've left everything behind,
But what's the point of breaking out,
If all you do is mourn your past.
Big Brother
Signs all around,
But they lead nowhere except
Out the door or to the bathroom.
Fire exit, that's a change,
But out the door all the same.
All these signs they wish me well,
And tell me what I can and cannot do.
Wishing Everyone was a Homebody
So much to do, so much to see.
Every pace I want to be is full of people crowding me.
Its not their fault, I don't know why
I wish them not to have a life.
Why do I listen
When songbirds whistle
And call to me from in the thistles
And brambles and bushes that glisten
With dew.
Spare a Dime
Is it worth my time
To spare a dime
For a man who needs it
More than I say yes
Without condition
Even if I'm broke myself.
I know you
By the way you walk,
By the way you talk,
By the words you say,
And the things you do,
Not by who you are.
Free Thought
Throw off your shackles,
Free your mind.
But if you do not see the cage,
Enjoy that life which you hold dear,
It's something I could never bear.
What's your point? Are you sure?
I've never met someone like you before.
I've traveled round and round,
All my life meeting those I've met,
And seeing things I've seen.
It's rare to find something that's not a shadow of something else.
But you're different,
You're anomalous, a break from what I know.
In terms of everything I've seen
You're not.
A Drunk Punk
Where am I? Why am I here?
What's that? Who do you think you are,
Calling me a punk? You little fuck!
I'll pound your face in!
Come 'ere!
Spry old bugger, you.
You just wait, you're dead motherfucker, you can't run
I'm lost in a sea of clear water.
I can see so far I don't know what to do.
It's not that I can't see the options,
I see too many.
What's the point of knowing a multitude of choices,
If you only see them and
Never make a choice.
Come slowly.
But my pen
Has a mouth that
Speaks if I work it
Ditty of Certainty
I don't know what to write about
But I'm sure it will come out,
If I keep on to the end,
And never give up till they send
Me to my grave.
Stop the Press
Stop the press.
I've got it now.
I won't give up,
I will not bow
To all these folks
Who tell me no,
And try to keep me down and out.
You're the reason why I'm here.
I love your hair, I love your ears,
I love the way you pour a beer.
I don't know what to say to you,
Except to say I've had a few
Too many probably,
But I'll have another
If you'll pour it for me.
I've had enough of the world's crap,
And all this shit they throw at
Me and try to tell me I
Can't do this, or I can't do that.
In the end I'll do what the fuck I please.
Down and Out
Is there a reason why you came,
Or have you nothing to your name.
No money, clothes or even fags.
Even the air about you sags
With the pitiful state in which
You are. Isn't life a bitch.
With all this light
How can I see
With eyes accustomed
To the dark.
For the longest time
I lived at night
With pupils dilated
To catch every detail.
Psychology of a Killer
Have you ever seen a fella
As was definitely a killer.
One of those with death
Upon his face, who underneath
It all is just a baby.
Why did I leave the people I love,
In search of a happiness I already had.
I'll keep on going till the end
But I doubt I'll ever find better friends.
Hopefully I'll find my calling in life
Something that gives me the joy I had with you.
I see the kiss of death on the window.
I guess some people would call it frost.
They say "It makes the view look cheery."
But I say yes the view is cheery,
Its full of life through a ring of death,
And anything looks cheery when compared to death.
Ode to Hunter S.
We can't stop here, this is bat country.
They fly all around
And swoop down on me.
But I've got a weapon to fend them off
As long as we keep on moving
And don't get swarmed.
I'll swat them as they try to get in the front seat.
My weapon is even better than that gun you point at me,
Because I WILL use this fly swatter if necessary.
I got places to go, but I'm not gonna seem 'em.
Things to do, but I'm not gonna do 'em.
Got weight on my shoulders, but I just ignore it.
A life to live, but I'm not gonna live it.
Got hurdles in my path, but I walk right through 'em.
Things on my mind, but I just forget 'em.
Got people to meet, but I'll never see 'em.
Friends to greet, but I just can't find 'em.
And in the end, I'll just say goodbye,
Cuz in the end, we're all gonna die.
How quick the end
I wrote a letter to my mother,
In which I told her that I love her.
And in this letter filled with love,
I told her of a turtle dove
That I did see fall ponderously
Upon the shores of Sicily.
It much intrigued me to behold
The speed with which it quickly rolled
Into the mighty sea of green,
A sight which I have rarely seen.
Lost in Thought
Wandering through the depths of your mind is
Wondering whether being alive is
Questioning what to do with your time and
Pondering how you might survive.
Something New
When its time to do or die,
And everyone has had their fill
Of lemonade and pecan pie,
I'll reach my spoon up to the sky
And fill it full of peanut butter.
In the End
In the end
All things living will be dead.
And with them the sunlight
Shining through the trees and glistening on the dew,
And eating pretzels on a Sunday afternoon,
And saying "ouch I bumped my head!"
Never Fear
In times of worry do not fear,
Poseidon with his golden spear
Will stab you through the chest
And then you're dead,
No worries to be had.
I got places to go, but I'm not gonna seem 'em.
Things to do, but I'm not gonna do 'em.
Got weight on my shoulders, but I just ignore it.
A life to live, but I'm not gonna live it.
Got hurdles in my path, but I walk right through 'em.
Things on my mind, but I just forget 'em.
Got people to meet, but I'll never see 'em.
Friends to greet, but I just can't find 'em.
And in the end, I'll just say goodbye,
Cuz in the end, we're all gonna die.
How quick the end
I wrote a letter to my mother,
In which I told her that I love her.
And in this letter filled with love,
I told her of a turtle dove
That I did see fall ponderously
Upon the shores of Sicily.
It much intrigued me to behold
The speed with which it quickly rolled
Into the mighty sea of green,
A sight which I have rarely seen.
Lost in Thought
Wandering through the depths of your mind is
Wondering whether being alive is
Questioning what to do with your time and
Pondering how you might survive.
Something New
When its time to do or die,
And everyone has had their fill
Of lemonade and pecan pie,
I'll reach my spoon up to the sky
And fill it full of peanut butter.
In the End
In the end
All things living will be dead.
And with them the sunlight
Shining through the trees and glistening on the dew,
And eating pretzels on a Sunday afternoon,
And saying "ouch I bumped my head!"
Never Fear
In times of worry do not fear,
Poseidon with his golden spear
Will stab you through the chest
And then you're dead,
No worries to be had.
Darkness and Light
In the evening,
when the sun goes down,
Do you cry?
In the morning,
when the sun comes up,
Do you weep?
I celebrate.
Darkness fills my every thought.
Evil seems like all I've got.
But then the light behind me glows,
The sun ascends its lofty throne.
With darkness comes the night,
But then the day brings light.
And in the morn I find myself questioning the fight.
Both Sides of the Story
Why do sparrows greet the morn
With cheerful song and not forlorn,
But then at dusk the nightingale
Sings out a song that tells a tale
Of happiness and gaiety.
In the darkness stands one man
Who's not afraid to say "I can."
"I can do this."
"I can do that."
"I'm not afraid of Tiddlebats."
A monster of such huge proportion,
No man alive could stand against him.
But as he stands defiantly,
The sun comes up and we all see
That he was right
To stand and fight.
In the evening,
when the sun goes down,
Do you cry?
In the morning,
when the sun comes up,
Do you weep?
I celebrate.
Darkness fills my every thought.
Evil seems like all I've got.
But then the light behind me glows,
The sun ascends its lofty throne.
With darkness comes the night,
But then the day brings light.
And in the morn I find myself questioning the fight.
Both Sides of the Story
Why do sparrows greet the morn
With cheerful song and not forlorn,
But then at dusk the nightingale
Sings out a song that tells a tale
Of happiness and gaiety.
In the darkness stands one man
Who's not afraid to say "I can."
"I can do this."
"I can do that."
"I'm not afraid of Tiddlebats."
A monster of such huge proportion,
No man alive could stand against him.
But as he stands defiantly,
The sun comes up and we all see
That he was right
To stand and fight.
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