It has recently come to my attention that since I began truck driving my sense of humor has become even more obtuse than it was previously, if that is even possible. I think this has something to do with my recent obsession with word play. Perhaps I have been watching too many mo lei tau movies. Whatever the case may be, I have shared several of these word play jokes via facebook, but I think they may have been too obtuse and therefore no one understood what I was saying. Maybe they just thought I was going crazy. Maybe I am going crazy. Maybe they understood but just didn't think the jokes were funny. I don't know, but I do know that I have been finding immense amusement from them and want to share the mirth. However I have realized that facebook is not the ideal venue for sharing jokes that need to be explained, so I thought I would create a blog post that was a collection of some of these plays on words that I have recently come up with.
I have named this endeavor The Ministry of Silly Talks, or Hume Ahab her dove us as theme in history hooves ill eat ox. Just read it out loud and kind of fast without enunciating too well and it sounds the same, but if you don't get it don't try too hard if hit snot men tubby, it's not meant to be. I have come up with several of these phonetic plays on words, but I think that perhaps when sharing them with others I need to explain what I am doing rather than just posting a bunch of gibberish. Although it could be argued that everything I say is a bunch of gibberish, so maybe it doesn't really matter at all.
But, I will press on and share a few more examples of this type of gibberish. For instance the ministry may in fact be egg of or mint Asian sea. And iamb knots or tin, but I think I hamper fact hilly sayin'.
I have also come up with new ways of calling several states. Two of them fall under the previous category of word play: New ham? Sure. and Mrs. Hippie. And I was rather proud of myself for discovering that Massachusetts actually means collections of group sneezes.
That Saul fern how? But perhaps I'll post more later.
Thoughts I've had, poems I've written and anything else I think might be interesting.

I on'tday understandray.
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