The more I pay attention to the world around me, the more I wish I hadn't. I'm not talking about the natural world, that is wonderful. I mean the man made world: the world that we live in. Unless you're a hermit up in the mountains or out in the desert or somewhere else equally remote, the only natural world that you see is what little is allowed by the human world. Of course you could counter by saying that humans are natural and therefore the human world is natural, but again that's not what I'm getting at. I guess I should define my terms. By the natural world I mean the parts of the world that do not require human input to survive and in some cases are detrimented by human interference. I've pretty much forgotten what I originally set out to say, but what does that matter. Now I'm saying something different. Plans are by necessity meant to be adjusted as the situation changes. The world is like that. As humans were first becoming the dominant species on the planet it was necessary for us to physically conquer our environment. Unfortunately this mentality has carried over into our time. I think we've pretty much conquered nature, at least in the sense that we really don't need to keep beating it down. If this were boxing, I'm pretty sure we'd be damn near a knock out at this point. We need to adapt our fundamental way of living to our modern times. We are at a tipping point. For the first time in our history, and by first time I mean the last hundred or so years, humans are truly capable of physically destroying our world to the point where complex life is no longer possible. This is a terrifying fact that we truly need to acknowledge. WHAT THE FUCK PEOPLE? We need to get our fucking shit together and start acting like we give a damn about the well-being of life other than our own.
Thoughts I've had, poems I've written and anything else I think might be interesting.

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