When one has reached the edge
of human perception and
delved into the very existence
in which we live, it is possible to
see it all.
There is no more
or it,
the universe is
all as one and it flows through
the perceived me, as
you and I
transcend into the essence
of being.
All is finite,
yet into that finiteness one can see infinitely.
As we approach
the thing we seek it only
to new minuteness that we had not
encountered before.
As the senses interact with
the surroundings the fibers and delicate filaments
that make up the universe are drawn
out into the open
so that we might perceive
the true nature
of that which is.
It is all as a donut,
no matter how far you perceive
in all directions
everything raps back on itself.
We can then realize that
all of the universe is
but one single dot that merely wraps
around itself creating the illusion of
This is a rewrite of a short essay On the Nature of Existence that I posted in January, but that originally came from one of my emails from a year prior to that.
Thoughts I've had, poems I've written and anything else I think might be interesting.

sorta like topology -Beth