Oh, hello there. I didn't see you there. Actually I still don't see you. I'm just being on the safe side and pretending you're there. That way if you really are you'll be surprised that I know you're there. Well I guess now you won't, but you would have been if I hadn't spilled the beans. Even if you're not there, who cares. There's no one here to see that I'm talking to myself. Its the perfect win-win for me. Unless someone walks in at 'see you there.' That could be a bit awkward. But I don't really care if people think I'm crazy so I'd probably just go all out and totally freak out over the fact that this intruder can't see you. Then I'd start making up things you were saying and ask them if they heard you. That should get rid of whoever this person walking in on me talking to you is. Yeah that's a sure sign of mental instability. Pretending to be seeing things to get out of someone hearing you talk to the very same imaginary person. Unless you are real and just invisible.
Thoughts I've had, poems I've written and anything else I think might be interesting.

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