Thoughts I've had, poems I've written and anything else I think might be interesting.

I was running. There was this really big animal. I think it might have been a dinosaur. Maybe it was a house. It's all a bit blurry. Then my feet went forward and I was flying backward. Someone must have hit me. Maybe I ran into a branch. No I think it was one of those two part doors and only the bottom was open. Well whoever it was she sat on my chest and started punching me in the face. Then the trees decided to invert themselves and she was thrown off as we shot up. It must have been a yew or a pine, definitely not a holly. This bird dropped by he must have been an owl. We had tea and discussed the nature of existence. He seemed to think the primary purpose of living was to enjoy wonderfully fresh and delicious field mice. I told him he had the right idea but that mice really don't taste all that good. Since we couldn't reconcile our difference he decided to go. At this point the trees reverted to their normal positions and I ended up in a very deep well. It hadn't been there before but that's life for you: always full of surprises. I was lucky because when the bucket came down I realized I could fit in it, although the man trying to get some water wasn't all that lucky. He got me instead of water. This quite startled him and he dropped the rope, but never fear I grabbed the edge of the well and was able to climb out. It quite startled me to see all of the pink foliage so I tried to eat some, but the tie-died man stopped me saying that it was poisonous. Poisonous to you maybe but I'm not from around these parts. I ate it anyway. Apparently this was against his religion so he had me skinned alive and cooked for dinner. I have to tell you I was quite delicious. After dinner I decided I better be moving on so I rounded up one of the little yellow bunnies and rode it to the next town. These folks weren't quite so zealous as the last guy so I tried to sell them one of the books the owl had given me. Unfortunately it hadn't been published yet and I couldn't figure out how to get it out of my head. They were very nice though, and gave me a lobotomy in the hopes that it would come out. I think it might have but they must not have liked it because they ran me out of town soon afterwards. Since I obviously couldn't get the hang of people I decide to try and reconcile my differences with the owl. He had already forgotten about our little tiff when I found him again and was feasting on a delicious mouse. After that I spent most of my time with the owl, because he could accept me for who I was. It was a good life, even if the height of cuisine was fresh killed mouse.
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