Last night I was thinking about death and it occurred to me that I have a very specific wish for what will be done with my body after I die, but I have not really told many people what it is. So I decided to compose a poem that I think I will have tattooed somewhere on my body (possibly my back) which explicates my wishes. This way no matter when or where I die and no matter who finds my body (as long as they can read english) it will be known what to do with my body.
Dear Sir or Madame should you find
My body cold and dead,
I hope that you will be so kind
To do as I have said.
Aboard some stout wood barge or boat,
I wish to be sent forth.
A flaming arrow as I float
Shall be my life's resort.
Thoughts I've had, poems I've written and anything else I think might be interesting.